This week I read Battle
Angel Alita and this is not a story I enjoyed very much. I don’t mind
reading manga but there are a few things that bother me with this one in
particular. It has a very rushed sense about it and it all very chaotic. I like
action but not when it becomes chaotic and difficult to see whose leg belongs
to who. And it somewhat follows the “born sexy yesterday trope” that I find
rather unappealing. In order for this character to be successful she for some
reason has to be put into this attractive, fully developed body despite being
the brain of a young girl. And there is also blatant sexism in the beginning of
this manga. When the female cyborg is put up against this large robot two
characters she is helping protect are dismayed that she is not a big strong man
and seem to accept that she will be unsuccessful as a result of her gender. And
despite fully having her memories she still wakes up somewhat naïve and out of
touch. She is also very skilled in an aspect that men will respect, that being
combat. She takes down large machines with nothing but her fists and this is
another big part of the trope. Despite her being a main character and could be
interpreted as a successful female lead I do not find this to be the case.
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